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Iran: husband of hunger-striking human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh arrested

Reza Khandan has campaigned for his wife’s release and against women being forced to wear the veil in Iran Responding to the arrest in Iran this morning of Reza Khandan, the husband of prominent...

Iran: lawyers arrested over weekend as crackdown on civil society intensifies

Those being targeted include lawyers and activists associated with the campaign against forced wearing of the hijab ‘The human rights situation in Iran has reached crisis point’ - Philip Luther The...

Malaysia: Caning of two women "atrocious"

Two women in Malaysia have been caned after they were convicted of attempting to have consensual same-sex sexual relations with each other. The women were canned six times each in a courtroom in...

Myanmar: Guilty verdict against Reuters journalists sends stark warning on press freedom

Responding to the news that Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, have been sentenced to seven years in jail after being found guilty of breaching Myanmar’s Official Secrets Act, Tirana Hassan...