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Myanmar: Civilians and children killed in military airstrikes as conflict intensifies

Indiscriminate airstrikes by the Myanmar military have killed civilians, including children, amid worsening conflict in the country’s Rakhine and Chin states, new evidence gathered by Amnesty...

Philippines: Duterte's dangerous anti-terror law a new setback for human rights

Responding to news that Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte today signed the Anti-Terrorism Act into law, Nicholas Bequelin, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Regional Director, said: “Under...

Turkey: Verdict expected in long-running trial of Amnesty Chair and ten others

Istanbul court expected to deliver verdict on Friday ‘From the start, this has been a politically-motivated trial’ - Idil Eser The verdict in the trial of Amnesty Turkey’s chair, the organisation’s...

Hong Kong: Front line activists need full support of UK Government

Several arrested under controversial new law, including man with ‘Hong Kong Independence’ flag in his bag Crimes of separatism among those which could see life imprisonment Responding to today’s...

Israel/OPT: annexation plan is 'law of the jungle'

Annexation could begin as early as today International law is ‘crystal clear’ that annexation is unlawful ‘Rogue behavior from Israel of this magnitude needs a resounding response’ - Kate Allen The...