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Northern Ireland: Amnesty calls for support for victims as domestic violence figures at highest level since records began

New figures reveal over 32,000 domestic abuse incidents in the last 12 months Amnesty calls for funding for victim support organisations from the Northern Ireland Executive ‘This is a life and death...

USA: protesters' safety must be ensured in Kenosha

Dangerous permit-less ‘open-carry’ laws in Wisconsin should be repealed ‘The US is failing to protect people’s right to live and to protest safety’ - Ernest Coverson Following reports that two...

Belarus: 16 NGOs call on United Nations to convene special session on crackdown

Open letter to UN Human Rights Council calls for investigation and accountability Reports that hundreds were tortured in detention ‘We are concerned that if the authorities’ actions go unchallenged...

Bosnia: Entire region sets up refugee roadblocks as vigilantes raid buses

Police using roadblocks, house raids and forcible removals to restrict refugees, migrants and people seeking asylum Families forced off buses by vigilantes and left stranded ‘This decision to further...

Angola: Police kill teenagers during lockdown enforcement - investigation

Police and armed forces targeted youths from poor neighbourhoods as they supposedly enforced mask-wearing and other coronavirus measures 14-year-old boy shot in head by police as he bought sugar for...

Belarus: Prosecutor general's criminal case against opposition leaders condemned

‘If anything is threatening peace and security in Belarus, it is the authorities’ violence against their own people’ - Bruce Millar The Prosecutor General of Belarus has launched a criminal case...

Russia: Alleged poisoning of Nalvalny must be investigated

Hospital in Osmk should allow treatment from doctors the opposition leader trusts Past cases of mysterious poisonings raise fears of targeted attempt on his life ‘There must be a prompt and...

Thailand: Rappers and peaceful activists arrested for pro-democracy protests

Authorities in Thailand must stop their crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy protesters, Amnesty International said today, after a fresh wave of arrests. Since the imposition of the Emergency Decree on...

Mali: Military authorities must end arbitrary arrests

Following yesterday’s military coup in Mali, in which soldiers from the National Committee for the People’s Salvation stormed the home of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and arrested him along with...

Channel crossings: Death of 16-year-old must see Governments on both sides take responsibility

Responding to reports that a 16-year-old Sudanese boy has drowned in the English Channel while trying to reach the UK, Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s Refugee and Migrant Rights...