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Nobel Peace Prize: award to Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian activists 'sends important message' to world

Ukraine’s Center for Civil Liberties, Russia’s Memorial and Belarusian Ales Bialiatski all recognised Responding to news that human rights organisations from Ukraine (Center for Civil Liberties) and...

Hong Kong: Prominent DJ ‘Giggs’ given jail sentence for criticism of authorities

DJ and political commentator Edmund Wan sentenced to two years and eight months for ‘sedition’ and alleged money-laundering Hong Kong authorities are using colonial-era sedition charges to stamp out...

China: UN Human Rights Council vote on Xinjiang ‘makes mockery’ of human rights issues

Human Rights Council rejects moves to hold debate on suspected crimes against humanity UN’s own High Commissioner for Human Rights being ignored ‘Today’s vote protects the perpetrators of human rights...

Iran: at least 82 protesters and bystanders killed in bloody crackdown in Baluchistan

New evidence shows security forces used lethal force after Friday prayers in Zahedan ‘Bloody Friday’ left 66 dead, including children and other worshippers ‘The Iranian authorities … will stop at...

Myanmar: Japanese filmmaker given seven-year jail sentence must be released immediately

Toru Kubota was detained after covering a protest in Myanmar’s biggest city Yangon in July this year ‘Since seizing power in the coup last year, they have banned media outlets, arrested, beaten...

UK: Home Secretary’s Conference speech ‘frighteningly anti-human rights’

In response to the Home Secretary’s speech at the Conservative Party conference today, Sacha Deshmukh, Amnesty International UK’s Chief Executive, said: “Suella Braverman’s speech was frighteningly...

Northern Ireland: Further setbacks in abortion provision show urgent need for Government to set up services

Responding to news that Northern Ireland’s Western Trust has had to further delay restarting its early abortion services due to resourcing issues, Grainne Teggart, Amnesty International’s Northern...

Sri Lanka: Economic crisis has had 'devastating consequences' on healthcare and food supplies - new report

Life-threatening shortages of medicine and essential equipment Children on the brink of starvation due to severe food shortages ‘If we cook lunch, we don’t have dinner, and if we don’t have dinner...

Indonesia: police use of tear gas in football stadium deaths must be fully investigated

At least 174 people reported dead, with more than 180 injured after stampede at football ground exit following police use of tear gas Tear gas must only be used in response to widespread violence and...