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Iran: authorities 'passing the buck' on compulsory veiling laws

Compulsory veiling imposed on girls from the age of seven Abusive, discriminatory and degrading forced veiling laws enables the harassment and assault of women and girls on a daily basis ‘The...

Ukraine: older people unable to access housing as winter grips - new report

Older people killed and injured at higher rates than other groups, with older people left behind in conflict-damaged houses Air raid shelters often inaccessible for older people with disabilities...

Malawi: 'horrific' killing of three-year-old girl with albinism must be properly investigated

Amnesty International is urging the Malawian authorities to urgently improve the protection of people with albinism across the country following the ‘shocking’ killing of three-year-old Tadala Chirwa...

Israel/OPT: Deporting human rights defender Salah Hammouri would ‘constitute a war crime’

Crime of apartheid needs to be included in ICC investigation into Palestine situation 'Israeli authorities must release Salah Hammouri, restore his residency status in Jerusalem, and allow him to...

Saudi Arabia: Jordanian man at imminent risk of execution for drugs offences

Hussein Abo al-Kheir, father of eight, has been on death row since 2015 In past three weeks 20 people executed for drugs offences, with 148 executed in total this year ‘How is it possible that the...

Nigeria: 'Bogus charges' against student who tweeted about President's wife must be dropped

First lady Aisha Buhari instructed team of police detectives to track down Aminu Adamu Muhammed, who was allegedly tortured in secret location Student now faces prosecution for various alleged cyber...