Press releases
FIFA "waking up" to abuses with new oversight body but must act now

Responding to FIFA's announcement of a new oversight body to monitor working conditions on stadiums for the 2022 World Cup, Amnesty International's Gulf Migrants Rights Researcher Mustafa Qadri said:
"Finally it appears FIFA is waking up to the fact that unless it takes concrete action, the Qatar 2022 World Cup will be built on the blood, sweat and tears of migrant workers.
"The announcement of an oversight body and Infantino's admission that FIFA must take human rights seriously are welcome steps in the right direction. Amnesty has already exposed human rights abuses on the Khalifa stadium and the surrounding Aspire Green Zone which need addressing right now. These cases also demonstrate the need to ensure FIFA's human rights monitoring is not limited just to stadiums but includes all other activities linked to the tournament."