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Germany: Human rights must be a priority for new government after 'poisonous' electoral campaign

Reacting to the Bundestag elections results, Julia Duchrow, Amnesty International Germany’s Secretary General, said:

"This election campaign was divisive poison for our society. It is not mistrust or racist agitation that makes our coexistence safe, but a commitment to the fundamental values of our society: inalienable human rights.

“We therefore call on all parties tasked with forming a government to recognise the non-negotiability of human rights and international law.

“The next German government must work to build a strong civil society, bring an end to misanthropic debates and strengthen international law and the institutions that uphold it.

“In recent weeks, a huge wave of solidarity has emerged in Germany and the activists who stand up for human rights and challenge racism and discrimination need our support, now more than ever.

“We must ensure that this wave of solidarity does not ebb away and that we remain active and united. We must demonstrate our commitment to the rule of law and human rights wherever we are: in our neighbourhoods, our workplaces and our homes.

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