Press releases
South Africa: Dismissal of eight journalists a cynical and sinister ploy to entrench fear
In response to the decision by South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) to dismiss eight journalists on grounds that they challenged editorial policy, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for Southern Africa, Muleya Mwananyanda said:
“The dismissal is a cynical and sinister decision designed to entrench a climate of fear at the institution.
“Their dismissal will only serve to undermine journalistic and media freedoms at the SABC. The eight journalists must be re-instated immediately. South Africa’s media freedom was hard won and it shouldn’t be gambled with.”
The SABC dismissed the eight journalists on 18 July 2016.
The journalists were initially suspended in June for questioning editorial interference by SABC executives.
They were challenging their suspension at the Constitutional Court and their case was due to be heard on 21 July 2016.