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Venezuela: Authorities must urgently investigate demonstration deaths

The authorities in Venezuela must urgently investigate the deaths of three people during anti-government protests yesterday, Amnesty International said today.

Guadalupe Marengo, Americas Deputy Director at Amnesty International, said:

“It is extremely concerning that violence has become a regular feature during protests in Venezuela. If the authorities are truly committed to preventing more deaths, they must ensure those responsible for the violence - demonstrators, security forces and armed civilians alike - face justice.

“Protesters still held in detention must be charged with a crime or immediately released.”

According to reports, journalists were prevented from covering the protests. At least one TV channel is now believed to have been blocked.

Guadalupe Marengo added:

“The authorities must show they are truly committed to respecting people’s rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly by ensuring they can participate in protests without fear of being abused, detained or even killed. It is essential that journalists are allowed to report events freely and human right defenders are able to monitor demonstrations.”

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