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NGO's 'being bullied into silence' around the world - new report

Anti-NGO laws have been implemented or are in the pipeline in 50 countries Repressive policies of the Russian government have caused a ripple effect UK Government must lead by example and stand up...

Cameroon: Opposition leader and more than hundred supporters face the death penalty

Opposition leader Maurice Kamto is today due to be summoned by a military court on charges which carry the death penalty, as the Cameroonian authorities intensify their post-election crackdown on...

Egypt: Execution of nine men shows 'absolute disregard for the right to life'

Responding to the news that Egyptian authorities have today executed nine men convicted after an unfair trial for the killing of the former public prosecutor in an attack in Cairo in June 2015, Najia...

Nauru: New law restricting essential medical transfers for refugees risks deadly consequences

Responding to news that the government of Nauru has passed a law severely restricting medical transfers to Australia for refugees and asylum seekers, Meghna Abraham, Amnesty International’s Director...

UK: Revoking Shamima Begum's British citizenship 'legally and morally questionable'

Responding to news that Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria aged 15, is to lose her UK citizenship, Rachel Logan, Amnesty International UK’s Legal Programme Director, said: “The...

Venezuela crisis mission: Protesters executed for social media posts

Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro has imposed a ‘repulsive strategy of social control’ against his people Amnesty International said today following a crisis research mission in the country ( 20...

Egypt: nine men at risk of imminent execution after unfair trial

They were sentenced to death for the killing of the former public prosecutor in Cairo ‘Time is running out to save the lives of these nine men’ - Najia Bounaim Nine people in Egypt are at risk of...

Australia: Unacceptable that 'human error' led to jailing of footballer Hakeem Al-Araibi

In response to comments from Australian Border Force Commissioner Michael Outram to a Senate Estimates Committee hearing on Monday that “human error” caused Australian resident and footballer Hakeem...

Iceland: Healthcare failures subject intersex people to 'lifetime of suffering' - new report

“We are seen as ‘disorders’ that need to be fixed” - Kitty There are an estimated 6,000 people in Iceland with variations of sex characteristics Report details how inappropriate healthcare leaves many...

Northern Ireland: Investigation of clerical abuse and Mother and Baby Homes ‘shambolic’

Catalogue of failures includes no meetings for over a year, no meetings with victims, and no research into clerical abuse A Northern Ireland government probe into allegations of abuse in Mother and...