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Bangladesh: Rohingya refugees pushed back to Burma where they face collective punishment - new testimony

Survivors give harrowing accounts of Burma’s security forces firing at villagers from helicopter gunships, torching hundreds of homes, raping women and girls

Yemen: hospitals being terrorised by anti-Houthi forces in Ta'iz

Fighters issuing death threats against doctors for treating wounded Houthis

Turkey: mass NGO closure is attempt to 'permanently silence' civil society criticism

State of emergency shutdown of 375 NGOs includes women’s shelters and children’s rights groups

Jamaica: Police threaten and intimidate relatives of those unlawfully killed to cover-up their actions

Police tamper with crime scenes, plant weapons on victims and threaten relatives to dissuade them from reporting abuses

Bahrain's UK-backed human rights bodies being used as 'PR tool' as abuses continue

‘These UK-backed institutions are seriously flawed and widely seen as a PR tool of the Bahraini authorities’ - Allan Hogarth

Iran: jailed Briton Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe at 'breaking point' as health declines

‘The Iranian authorities must end her ordeal by releasing her immediately and unconditionally’ - Philip Luther

Northern Ireland: Amnesty welcomes UN expert report on dealing with the past

Amnesty International has welcomed the publication of the UN Special Rapporteur on Truth, Justice and Reparation, Pablo de Greiff’s report following his visit to Northern Ireland last year.

Russia: four years of Putin's foreign agents law has 'shackled and silenced' NGOs - new report

‘The ultimate losers are not just NGOs but Russian society’ - Sergei Nikitin