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Canada must halt massive British Columbia dam on indigenous peoples' land - new report

‘Site C’ dam will flood over 60 miles of traditional territory of West Moberly and Prophet River first nations

Pakistan: Attack on Quetta hospital ‘abhorrent disregard for the sanctity of life’

An apparently pre-planned suicide attack, which killed at least 63 people and wounded more than 50 others in a hospital in Quetta, south-western Pakistan, today is the latest in a series of horrifi

USA: Obama's drone guidance disclosures 'only tell part of the story'

‘The Obama Administration has still never provided basic information needed to assess the drone programme’ - Naureen Shah

Thailand: Sunday's referendum takes place in 'chilling climate of fear'

Thailand’s referendum on a draft constitution takes place this Sunday against a backdrop of pervasive human rights violations that have created a chilling climate, Amnesty International said

Kenya: Taiwanese nationals must not be deported to China

Kenya must not “sacrifice these individuals’ rights for political expediency”

Northern Ireland: Amnesty welcomes justice minister call on undercover police inquiry

Amnesty International has welcomed Northern Ireland Justice Minister Claire Sugden’s call for an extension to the Pitchford Inquiry into controversial undercover police units working for Scot

China: Human rights lawyer's conviction denounced as 'political charade'

The Chinese authorities must end their relentless suppression of human rights lawyers and activists, Amnesty International said today, after a prominent lawyer became the latest to be convicted aft

Iran hangs teenage student in first child offender execution of the year

Student Hassan Afshar is first child offender executed in country this year

UN Refugee Summit talks end in abject failure

World leaders have wasted a critical opportunity to tackle the global refugee crisis, said Amnesty International today after talks for a new UN refugee deal ended falling far short of expectations.