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Russia's bombing in Syria has killed hundreds of civilians - new report

Russian forces appear to have used vacuum bombs and illegal cluster munitions Hospitals and residential areas hit

CHINA: Guilty verdict against Pu Zhiqiang is a gross injustice

The three-year suspended prison sentence handed down against human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang today is a deliberate attempt by the Chinese authorities to shackle a champion of freedom of expression,

France: new law threatens to make emergency measures the 'new norm'

‘Many people are being targeted solely on the basis of their religious practices or vague suspicions’ - Gauri van Gulik

BURUNDI: Amnesty briefing details country's descent into bloodshed

Security forces systematically killed dozens of people on the single bloodiest day of Burundi’s escalating crisis, Amnesty International has found.

Jordan: deportation of 800 Sudanese asylum-seekers is 'absolute disgrace'

Most are from the conflict-affected Dafur region

Ukraine: Communist party ban is a decisive blow for freedom of speech

Yesterday’s banning of the Communist Party in Ukraine is a flagrant violation of freedom of expression and association and should be immediately overturned, said Amnesty International.

Government breaking the law supplying arms to Saudi say leading lawyers

Philippe Sands QC and others submit damning legal opinion commissioned by Amnesty and Saferworld

'Arab Spring' five-year anniversary: region remains mired in repression - new factsheet

New factsheet on human rights situation half a decade since Tunisian fruit-seller’s death led to mass protests

Turkey: EU risks being complicit in detention, beatings and deportation of Syrian refugees - New report

“When they put a chain over your hands and legs, you feel like a slave, like you are not a human being,” Syrian refugee