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Egypt: attempt to close torture rehabilitation centre condemned

‘The El Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence provides a lifeline to hundreds of victims of torture’ - Said Boumedouha

Russian and Syrian forces must end 'war crime' attacks on hospitals

Attacks on at least two medical facilities in Syria today are just the latest of scores of apparently deliberate attacks on hospitals, clinics and medical personnel being committed in flagrant viol

Refugees and migrants in Calais and Dunkirk with relatives in UK must be reunited in Britain

France and the UK must urgently identify people living in the squalid camps in northern France who have relatives in the UK and allow them to be reunited with their families on British soil, Amnest

Refugees: NATO's operations in Aegean Sea must focus on rescue

‘Any NATO ships that witness a boat in distress must provide immediate life-saving assistance’ - Iverna McGowan

Bahrain: hopes for justice and reform fading five years since 2011 uprising

‘Today in Bahrain, anyone who dares to criticise the government risks punishment’ - James Lynch

Northern Ireland: Amnesty International responds to Secretary of State on ‘dealing with the past’

“ Decisions on onward disclosure to families must be made independently, not by government” – Patrick Corrigan

Northern Ireland: vote to oppose abortion law change is a ‘betrayal of women and girls’

Amnesty International has criticised moves to oppose reform of Northern Ireland’s restrictive abortion law in the region’s Assembly today as a “betrayal of women and girls”

Northern Ireland: Amnesty urges politicians to back abortion law change

Law reforms would be ‘important first steps’ to reaching global human rights standards

Yemen: Huthis blocking of medical and food supplies for city of Ta'iz condemned

At least 18 people, including five children, have died as a result of lack of oxygen at hospitals

IRAQ: Authorities turn blind eye to Shi'A militia vicious reprisal killings

The Iraqi authorities’ failure to protect Sunni civilians from a wave of reprisal attacks by Shi’a militia last month is another example of widespread impunity for what are clearly war