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Bahrain: postponement of Nabeel Rajab's verdict for sixth time is blatant harassment

‘This is part of a deliberate strategy to harass him’ - Samah Hadid

Women's March on London: 'This is more than a moment. It is a movement' - Kate Allen

An estimated one hundred thousand people turned out onto the streets of London yesterday for the Women’s March, joining millions across the world in a day of global action and solidarity for

Northern Ireland: Amnesty welcomes inquiry report on child abuse

‘Today is a moment of truth and must be a catalyst for justice’ - Patrick Corrigan

Northern Ireland: Child abuse inquiry must deliver truth and justice for victims

‘I will be shocked if the Inquiry finds anything less than catastrophic and systemic failure’ - Patrick Corrigan

US presidential inauguration: Trump must drop 'hateful rhetoric' and respect human rights

‘Donald Trump must abandon the hateful rhetoric that riddled his campaign and commit to protecting human rights for everyone’ - Margaret Huang

Russian lawmakers should drop plans to decriminalise domestic violence

Second reading of ‘slapping bill’ tomorrow condemned

Gambia: Adama Barrow must not forget his big promises

As Adama Barrow is scheduled to be inaugurated in Senegal this afternoon, Sabrina Mahtani, Amnesty Internat

Northern Ireland: “women seeking abortions are not criminals” - Amnesty, in response to latest pill case

‘The law must stop treat ing Northern Ireland w o me n who need abortion s as criminal s ’ - Patrick Corrigan

Gambia: State of emergency no licence for repression

Amnesty International UK and Human Rights Watch Joint Press Release Soldiers arbitrarily detained as political crisis deepens