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Australia: Unacceptable that 'human error' led to jailing of footballer Hakeem Al-Araibi

In response to comments from Australian Border Force Commissioner Michael Outram to a Senate Estimates Committee hearing on Monday that “human error” caused Australian resident and footballer Hakeem...

Iceland: Healthcare failures subject intersex people to 'lifetime of suffering' - new report

“We are seen as ‘disorders’ that need to be fixed” - Kitty There are an estimated 6,000 people in Iceland with variations of sex characteristics Report details how inappropriate healthcare leaves many...

Northern Ireland: Investigation of clerical abuse and Mother and Baby Homes ‘shambolic’

Catalogue of failures includes no meetings for over a year, no meetings with victims, and no research into clerical abuse A Northern Ireland government probe into allegations of abuse in Mother and...

Egypt: 'Cruel' denial of family visits to detainees must end

Egyptian authorities are flagrantly violating international law by denying family visits to scores of detainees, Amnesty International said today. Amnesty has examined an official document which...

Saudi Arabia: European countries must step up defence of women's rights activists

Responding to the European Parliament’s condemnation of the ongoing repression and torture of a group of women’s rights defenders detained in Saudi Arabia since May last year, Covadonga de la Campa...

Egypt: 'Alarming escalation' in executions as six people killed in just two weeks

Egyptian authorities today hanged three prisoners convicted of killing a police officer during clashes that erupted in the weeks following the deadly Rabaa massacre. The executions have brought the...

Indonesia: Instagram has 'failed to be an ally' to LGBTI people by closing account

Responding to the decision by Instagram to take down an account featuring comic strips about the life of a Muslim man at the request of the Indonesian government, Usman Hamid, Executive Director of...

Philippines: Rappler CEO arrested 'on a trumped-up libel charge'

Responding to the arrest warrant served to Maria Ressa at the Rappler offices today on charges of ‘cyber libel’, Butch Olano, Director of Amnesty International Philippines, said: “Just days after the...

Australia: Reopening of detention camp a 'cruel and unnecessary political stunt'

Medivac Bill passes in parliament and government announces it will reopen Christmas Island detention centre Refugees are not ‘pawns to be used to score political points’ - Dr Graham Thom Following the...

Nigeria: Shell in court to face complicity charges in execution of Ogoni Nine protesters

Oil giant accused of instigating horrific human rights abuses against Ogoni people in the 1990s First time the case will be heard in court after a 23-year-long fight for justice Widows of the killed...