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Southern Africa: Government intervention urgently required as millions face hunger under COVID-19 lockdowns

Millions of people across Southern Africa face desperate situation as lockdowns prevent them from earning money and buying food ‘Without government support, the lockdown could become a matter of life...

Colombia: Indigenous Peoples will die from COVID-19 or hunger if state does not act immediately

Despite government promises, indigenous communities have received no support since the lockdown was enforced three weeks ago ‘If the authorities do not take urgent action, Indigenous Peoples will find...

UK: Review of COVID-19 impact on ethnic minorities welcomed

Responding to news that the UK Government is planning a review into why people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds appear to be have been disproportionately affected by the COVID...

Poland: MPs ‘freeze’ regressive bills on abortion and sex education following protests

‘The voices of the thousands who took part in creative protests this week may have been muffled by face masks, but their message was nonetheless heard loud and clear’ -Draginja Nadazdin MPs in Poland...

Europe: Mass protests provide ‘ray of hope’ as human rights violations continue across region - new report

Human rights defenders have been threatened, prosecuted, subjected to excessive use of force by police, and suffered discrimination at the hands of governments ‘The grassroots mobilisation of...

Qatar: Migrant workers tricked into detention then expelled during COVID-19 pandemic

Workers told they were being tested for COVID-19 only to be expelled from the country Dozens detained in inhumane conditions, held in overcrowded cells and not given enough food or water before being...

USA: Trump's suspension of WHO funding is 'reckless'

Congress must halt Trump administration’s plan to suspend vital funding to the global health body Move is apparent attempt to ‘distract’ from criticisms levelled at US Government over its coronavirus...

UK: Care home COVID-19 testing welcome but without adequate PPE many still at risk

Responding to the UK Government’s promise that all care home residents and staff with symptoms of COVID-19 are to be tested, Kate Allen, Amnesty UK Director, said: “We welcome the Government’s promise...

Northern Ireland: Abortion Central Access point an 'important step forward'

New access point will provide centralised system to refer women to early medical abortion services Amnesty warns Government that this does not remove need for measures that allow both abortion pills...

Turkey: New prison release law leaves innocent and vulnerable prisoners at risk of COVID-19

New law that could allow for early release of up to 100,000 prisoners fails to protect many in poor health, older people and those who are innocent of any crime ‘Those convicted in unfair trials under...