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Mosul operation: Iraqi forces reportedly tortured and killed villagers 'in cold blood'

Men in a Federal Police uniforms beat villagers with cables and rifle butts - and in one case set fire to man’s beard - before shooting them dead

Trump election win: poisonous rhetoric must not become US government policy

In response to the election of Donald Trump to the United States presidency, Margaret Huang, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, said:

Northern Ireland politicians call for release of Irishman Ibrahim Halawa jailed in Egypt

Northern Ireland Assembly members (MLAs) have come together in a show of solidarity to call for

Sierra Leone: Pregnancy ban in schools threatening teenage girls' futures

‘In school they do not really teach us about family planning. They think we are too young, or it is bad or that it will encourage you to have sex. ’

Kirkuk, Iraq: Kurdish authorities bulldoze hundreds of Arab homes in anti-ISIS reprisals - new briefing

One distressed resident shot himself after bulldozers destroyed his home

Venezuelan authorities deny medical care to severely-ill jailed opposition leader

MP and gay rights activist Rosmit Mantilla needs urgent surgery for multiple gallstones

Turkey: Kurdish opposition arrests 'ominous'

‘In the absence of any credible evidence of crimes, they should be immediately released’ - John Dalhuisen

Pakistan: Sharbat Gula deportation 'cruel'

Reacting to Pakistan's decision to deport Sharbat Gula, the “Afghan girl” whose striking portrait featured on an iconic 1985 cover of National Geographic magazine, Amnesty Internati