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Nigeria: Torture so common that police stations have ‘Officer in Charge of Torture’

‘A medieval witch hunt’ against Boko Haram is fuelling massive use of torture ‘Torture is not even a criminal offence in Nigeria’ - Netsanet Belay

EU must take urgent action prevent to migrant deaths at sea

Urgent action is needed by the EU to ensure no further migrant deaths in the seas on Europe’s borders, Amnesty International said amid news of further shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean,

Central African Republic: Huge gap between troops promised and troops deployed a major concern

'The gap between the number of peacekeepers promised and the number deployed must be urgently filled' Amnesty’s Steve Cockburn

Pakistan: Malala attack arrests welcomed

Today’s arrest of the suspects in the assassination attempt on Malala Yousafzai offers an important opportunity for the Pakistan authorities to address their poor record in protecting people

Egypt: leading activist Yara Sallam and others face 'show trial' tomorrow

22 face jail under draconian anti-protest law

Egypt: leading activist Yara Sallam and others face 'show trial' tomorrow

22 face jail under draconian anti-protest law

Iran: British woman detained for taking part in volleyball protest should be released

Interrogators have warned that Ghoncheh Ghavami ‘would not walk out of prison alive’

Thailand: Sandwich eaters among targets of crackdown 100 days after military takeover

Hundreds of arbitrary detentions, torture, sweeping restrictions on freedom of expression and unfair trials in military courts are creating a climate of fear in Thailand Amnesty International said

Gambia: President must reject homophobic law with life sentence for 'aggravated homosexuality'

President Yahya Jammeh of Gambia should not sign a new Criminal Code amendment that would increase the punishment for “aggravated homosexuality” to life in prison, Amnesty International

Winner of Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award Announced

Cuckooed – Mark Thomas’ compelling show about friendships betrayed, corporate spying, and the erosion of our right to privacy wins the 2014 Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award.