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Yemen: patients and staff flee as Hodeidah's main hospital comes under attack

Eyewitness describes terrifying scenes as explosions rock hospital in central Hodeidah Hundreds of patients and staff dodged a hail of shrapnel as they fled in panic ‘Deliberately attacking a...

Amnesty strips Aung San Suu Kyi of 'Ambassador of Conscience' award

Amnesty revokes honour awarded when she languished under house arrest in 2009 Rohingya in Myanmar killed and tortured in campaign of ethnic cleansing 'We are profoundly dismayed that you no longer...

Libya: desperate plight of detained migrants has 'deteriorated' - new briefing

EU’s ‘cruel’ policy of blocking Mediterranean escape route is key factor 6,000 refugees and migrants trapped in Libyan detention centres where abuse is rife International Libya conference in Sicily...

Bangladesh: New Digital Security Act is an attack on freedom of expression

Bangladesh’s new Digital Security Act is an attack on freedom of expression that is even more repressive than the legislation it has replaced, Amnesty International said in new briefing published...

Human Rights Act 'absolutely key' to big justice fights of last 20 years

The Human Rights Act has been absolutely key to the big justice fights of the last 20 years Amnesty said today, on the 20 th anniversary of the act receiving Royal Assent, as the organisation...

USA: Trump's Proclamation to limit rights of asylum-seekers 'dehumanising and dangerous'

In response to President Trump’s Proclamation to limit the rights of people seeking asylum along the southern border of the US, Kumi Naidoo, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said: “President...

Dominic Grieve MP issues Brexit warning on human rights and peace in Northern Ireland

Dominic Grieve QC MP has warned that Brexit risks undermining peace and human rights in Northern Ireland, and he fears a hard border with the rest of Ireland is inevitable if the UK’s exit from the EU...

Yemen: Huthi fighters take over roof of Hodeidah hospital as fighting intensifies

Hundreds of civilians killed in recent fighting, including in coalition airstrikes on a vegetable market and road checkpoint ‘Placing gunmen on a hospital roof blurs lines which should never be...

Philippines: Murder of prominent human rights lawyer 'a new low'

Responding to the news that human rights lawyer Benjamin Ramos gunned down by still unidentified men yesterday (6 November) in the Philippines, Ritz Lee Santos III, Amnesty International Philippines...

Saudi Arabia: 12 Shi'a face imminent execution after cases referred to King Salman

Responding to news that the cases of 12 condemned men from Saudi Arabia’s persecuted Shi’a minority have been transferred to the country’s Presidency of State Security - a body under the direct author...