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South Africa: Decision to leave International Criminal Court a 'deep betrayal of millions of victims worldwide'

South Africa’s Parliament must convene urgently to reconsider the government’s decision to withdraw from the Rome Statute, the founding instrument of the International Criminal Court (I

Yvette Cooper to call for action on refugee crisis in Belfast speech

‘Northern Ireland has a proud record on refugees. But the world can - and must - do more’ - Yvette Cooper MP

Aleppo: area size of Manhattan hit by airstrikes in just one week - new satellite images

Heavy bombing and use of cluster munitions point to clear strategy to ‘to make life unbearable for civilians’ in eastern Aleppo

Murders turn Honduras into 'no-go zone' for environmental campaigners

The brutal murders of two land rights campaigners in Honduras last night are the latest in a seemingly unstoppable wave of deadly attacks turning Honduras into a no-go zone for human rights activis

Ethiopia: Draconian measures will escalate deepening crisis

Heavy-handed measures by the Ethiopian government will only escalate a deepening crisis that has claimed the lives of more than 800 protesters since protests began in November 2015, said Amnesty In

Iraq: as battle for Mosul begins, warning that Shia militias have carried out mass revenge attacks on Sunnis - new report

Thousands rounded up, with older boys and men often ‘disappeared’, tortured or even summarily shot

Australia: Conditions in Nauru detention centre 'amount to torture'

‘The Australian government’s policy is the exact opposite of what countries should be pursuing’ - Anna Neistat

Child abuse victims set out compensation proposals at Stormont

“We have waited for justice for long enough” – Jon McCourt, abuse survivor