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Iranian authorities trying to turn women into 'baby-making machines' - new report

‘Iran’s authorities are trampling all over the fundamental rights of women - even the marital bed is not out of bounds’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui

Mexico must act on 'scathing'' new UN report on torture

Report comes after activists raised torture during President Peña Nieto’s visit to Bri tain

Amnesty welcomes Sinn Féin policy change on abortion

Amnesty International has welcomed news that Sinn Féin will now support changes to the law to allow access to abortion services in cases of pregnancy with fatal foetal abnormalities.

India: mob who dragged rape suspect from cell and lynched him should face justice

Members of a mob who lynched a man being held in custody suspected of rape in the state of Nagaland, in Northeast India, must be brought to justice, Amnesty International said today.

Man in Iran blinded in one eye in 'unspeakably cruel' retribution punishment

The ‘unspeakably cruel and shocking’ punishment was carried out on Tuesday

Egypt: spate of deaths at Cairo's Mattareya Police Station point to 'rampant abuse'

‘The pattern of deaths in custody emerging at Mattareya Police Station is distressing’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui

Ten more dead in Mediterranean as EU search-and-rescue failure branded 'negligent'

The deaths of at least 10 more refugees and migrants in the Mediterranean expose how European governments are still failing to provide adequate resources for a coordinated search-and-rescue operati

Northern Ireland concerns at immigration detention revelations - 2,000 NI detainees last year

Amnesty International has said that revelations about the treatment of immigration detainees in Yarl's Wood detention centre in England also raise questions about the holding of asylum seekers