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Maxi Jazz to DJ for Amnesty at Dogstar Brixton: Sat 15 November

The rapper and DJ Maxi Jazz is DJing at an Amnesty International fundraising party in Brixton in south London on Saturday 15 November .

Martin Sheen calls for justice for Bhopal as his new Hollywood film portrays the disaster

“Bhopal is not just a human rights tragedy from the last century.

Eastern Ukraine: Killing of 18 year old could be war crime

Both sides responsible for indiscriminate attacks

RIPA case revelation: Government 'routinely' spies on lawyers

Legal policies which allow MI5, MI6 and GCHQ to access confidential privileged communications between lawyers and clients were disclosed in court today.

Guantánamo: transfer of Kuwaiti man welcomed, but 148 detainees remain at base

‘The US government must do far more to end human rights violations at Guantánamo’ - Zeke Johnson

Ukraine: Investigate deaths of children killed in shelling while playing football

The deaths of two children killed by shelling while they played football on a school field in eastern Ukraine earlier today must be immediately, fully and impartially investigated, Amnesty Internat

Greece: Convictions for attack on Roma woman and her nephew "first step towards justice"

The convictions yesterday of three men following a brutal racist attack on a Roma woman and her nephew is a “first step towards justice”, said Amnesty International and Greek Helsinki M

Israeli forces displayed 'callous indifference' during attacks on homes in Gaza - new report

‘The onus is on Israeli officials to explain why they chose to deliberately flatten entire homes full of civilians’ - Philip Luther

Pakistan: Vicious mob killing of Christian couple for 'blasphemy' condemned

“A mob appears to have played judge, jury and executioner” David Griffiths, Amnesty International