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Experts available to comment on Syria refugee numbers

Amnesty International experts are available to comment on the Syria refugee situation after the United Nations refugee agency said that the number of Syrian refugees has now surpassed two million...

Libya: 'Anoud al-Senussi's abduction exposes country's inability to try Saif Gaddafi and others

‘How can the Libyan authorities claim that they are able to deliver fair trials … when they are manifestly unable to ensure the basic safety of detainees?’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui The abduction of...

Iraq: Impartial investigation of Camp Ashraf deaths crucial

Amnesty International is urging the Iraqi authorities to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into violence at Camp Ashraf that reportedly left at least 47 dead yesterday. Hassiba Hadj...

Amnesty International response to death of Seamus Heaney

Amnesty International is deeply saddened at news of the death of Seamus Heaney, announced today in Dublin. Seamus Heaney was a long-standing supporter of Amnesty International. He wrote the well-known...

Iraq: tomorrow's protests against MPs' pensions should be allowed to go ahead

Ahead of planned country-wide protests across Iraq tomorrow over Iraqi MPs’ pension payments, Amnesty International has called on the Iraqi authorities to respect and protect protesters’ rights to...

Iran: seriously ill blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki must be released from jail

‘Not only have the authorities unfairly put him behind bars simply for expressing his views on his blog, but they are now also jeopardising his health’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui An Iranian prisoner of...

Angola:'Shocking' footage appears to show appalling abuse of prisoners

Video footage apparently showing Angolan prison guards and fire fighters repeatedly beating and whipping prisoners is shocking and must be investigated, Amnesty International said today. The footage...

Kosovo: New report points finger of blame at United Nations

The UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) singularly failed to investigate the abduction and murders of Kosovo Serbs in the aftermath of the 1998-1999 conflict, Amnesty International...

France: Authorities evict 150 people from their homes, including 60 Children's rights

In the early hours of this morning French authorities forcibly evicted 150 people from their homes, including 60 Children's rights, as an Amnesty International researcher looked on. The 150 were all...

Elton John's platform boots in new pop memorabilia auction on eBay

‘If you’re a fan of the glam rock era it doesn’t get much more iconic than a pair of Elton John’s six-inch platform boots’ - Tim Hancock A pair of platform boots belonging to Elton John are part of a...