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Event: Scotland's Role in Delivering Climate Justice featuring keynote speech by Environment and Climate Change Minister, Paul Wheelhouse

Amnesty International Scotland, Christian Aid Scotland, WWF Scotland and The University of Edinburgh are hosting a very special event examining Scotland's role in delivering climate justice, featuring...

Belarus: Leading human rights organisation evicted

A leading Belarusian human rights organisation had its office closed down in the capital Minsk today (Monday), in what Amnesty International called a blatant violation of Belarus’ international human...

Helping others makes us human - Vivienne Westwood speaks out for Egyptian woman beaten at protest

In a new film Vivienne Westwood revealed her decision to become a punk was a “call to arms” to speak out against war, torture and human rights abuses as she today called for justice for Azza Hilal...

Australia's Nauru camp is 'human rights catastrophe with no end in sight'

Amnesty International has found a toxic mix of uncertainty, unlawful detention and inhumane conditions creating an increasingly volatile situation on Nauru, with the Australian Government...

FRANCE: New report reveals forced evictions continue at an 'alarming rate' in Hollande's France

François Hollande is failing to adequately deliver on his pre-election promises to protect the rights of migrant Roma, a new report by Amnesty International reveals today. The report goes on to demand...

Egypt: President Morsi changes to the constitution trample rule of law

New powers announced by Egypt’s President trample the rule of law and herald a new era of repression, Amnesty International said today. Amendments to Egypt’s Constitutional Declaration announced...

Mozambique: Thousands unlawfully held in substandard prisons - new report

• Filthy, overcrowded prisons cells common • Many people arrested and detained without having ever committed a crime • Child detainees held in same cell as convicted adults Thousands of people are...

Pakistan: Shi'a killings failure of government protection

The killing of at least 25 people during religious processions yesterday highlights the continued failure of the Pakistani authorities to protect the Shi’a community, Amnesty International said. The...

Bahrain is 'making a mockery' of its reform promises

Bahrain is making a mockery of its promises to reform over human rights and now faces a stark choice between the rule of law or sliding into a downward spiral of repression and instability, Amnesty...

Madagascar must end mass killings and investigate security forces

Eleven killed in recent raid, including six-year-old girl 95 homes burned down in one district alone Madagascar’s rampaging security forces must be brought under control in the south of the country...