Press Releases
‘You must be doing something right if the Kremlin tries to shut you up’ - Agnès Callamard In response to today’s closure by the Russian authorities of Amnesty International’s office in Moscow, Agnès...
Delhi court reverses ruling and bars Aakar Patel from leaving the country without permission ‘This is part of the wider crackdown and repression of civil society in India that we have seen over recent...
Another racist arson attack last night on Belfast Multi-Cultural Association Still no accountability for the attack in January 2021 ‘We are disgusted, but sadly unsurprised, that there has been...
Amnesty investigators interviewed more than 20 people from villages and towns close to Kyiv Woman in Bucha repeatedly raped at gunpoint by Russian soldiers Man shot dead after soldiers broke into his...
First case in Europe of an activist being prosecuted for aiding an abortion by providing pills ‘The Polish authorities must immediately drop all charges against [Justyna] and fully decriminalise...
Abuses in private security sector are ‘systematic and structural’ - with overwork, no time off and punishments for not wearing uniforms correctly One Bangladeshi security guard worked for three years...
Responding to news that the UK’s first-ever LGBTI conference 'Safe To Be Me' has been cancelled after a boycott of more than 100 organisations in response to the Government’s stance on conversion...
Six people arrested on suspicion of “causing nuisance” during court hearings ‘The Hong Kong police must stop abusing overly broad sedition charges to silence peaceful expression’ - Erwin van der...
Amhara regional security forces and civilian authorities have committed widespread abuses against Tigrayans since November 2020 Hundreds of thousands of Tigrayan civilians expelled from homes using...
Amnesty and The Co-operative Bank back young human rights defenders with 'Rise Up' training programme In its second year, the course teaches youth activists how to achieve social change in their local...