Press Releases
22 face jail under draconian anti-protest law
Interrogators have warned that Ghoncheh Ghavami ‘would not walk out of prison alive’
Hundreds of arbitrary detentions, torture, sweeping restrictions on freedom of expression and unfair trials in military courts are creating a climate of fear in Thailand Amnesty International said
President Yahya Jammeh of Gambia should not sign a new Criminal Code amendment that would increase the punishment for “aggravated homosexuality” to life in prison, Amnesty International
Cuckooed – Mark Thomas’ compelling show about friendships betrayed, corporate spying, and the erosion of our right to privacy wins the 2014 Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award.
‘How could I carry a gun rather than my viola?’ - Omar Sa’ad
In a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kiev today, Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty urged the Ukrainian government to stop abuses and war crimes by volu
The TES is official partner of Amnesty Youth Awards SOAS is the first university to sponsor Awards
Amnesty International has called on Fiona Woolf, the newly announced chair of the government's child sexual abuse inquiry, to investigate abuse and its alleged cover-up at Belfast’s Kinco