Press Releases
Glasgow welcomed team Singapore to the Commonwealth Games on Sunday as news of a reprehensible u-turn on the death penalty by the island nation reached Amnesty.
Over 20,000 people support new call on Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond to stop UK arms transfers to Israel
Israel’s ground assault on the Gaza Strip, which began last night after 10 days of attacks by Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups, accentuates the need for urgent international action
Singapore has taken a reprehensible U-turn by executing the first two prisoners since 2011, Amnesty International and the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN) said today.
Meanwhile ‘power grab’ by security services condemned, as new surveillance law rushed through
‘It is imperative that an on-site investigation is urgently carried out by independent international experts’ - Denis Krivosheev
A woman from Finland who came out as transgender during her marriage should be allowed to be legally recognised as a female without changing her marital status, Amnesty International said after the