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Brazil: Bolsonaro's toxic speech must not become government policy

Reacting to the election of Jair Bolsonaro and Hamilton Mourão as president and vice president of Brazil, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas Director at Amnesty International said: “The president-elect has...

USA: Trump must abandon 'unspeakably cruel' plan to close southern border to Central Americans seeking asylum

In response to reports that President Trump plans to take executive action blocking refugees and people seeking asylum from Central America from entering the United States for protection, Erika...

Amnesty India latest target of government crackdown

Amnesty India has been targeted as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi government’s assault on civil society. Yesterday, the Enforcement Directorate, an agency that investigates financial crimes...

European Parliament urges arms embargo on Saudi Arabia

Responding to the news that the European Parliament has condemned the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia following the killing of prominent journalist Jamal Khashoggi and called for an arms embargo, Covadonga de...

UK: Home Office reform urgently needed following forced DNA requests

‘The Home Office has once again been exposed as being a law unto itself’ – Steve Valdez-Symonds Responding to Home Secretary Sajid Javid apology to the House of Commons after more than 130 people were...

UK arms to Saudi Arabia: Amnesty to intervene in fresh legal challenge

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Rights Watch UK will be intervening in a fresh legal challenge over the UK’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia. The case, which was originally brought by...

Northern Ireland: Amnesty welcomes Commons vote on abortion and marriage equality

House of Commons votes 207 to 117 to force Northern Ireland Secretary to act on human rights issues Amnesty International has welcomed a vote in the House of Commons this evening which will put...

'UK's Biggest Family Photo Album' unveiled at Westminster as families across the UK call on Government to reunite refugee families

Album a celebration of 21st century family life and a call to home secretary Sajid Javid to ease restrictive rules preventing refugees from reuniting with their families Includes photos submitted by...

Madagascar: children amongst thousands held in life-threatening prison conditions - new report

52 pre-trial detainees died in Madagascar’s prisons in 2017 Children sharing cells with convicted criminals 700 people detained in a prison with an official capacity of 121 Almost half of prisoners in...

Northern Ireland abortion: Westminster must not miss crucial opportunity to reform law

Westminster must listen to the women and girls of Northern Ireland and prioritise their health and rights, Amnesty International has said today, ahead of two crucial moments for abortion reform taking...