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Cambodia: Government shuts key independent media - a ‘clear warning to critical voices’

Responding to reports that Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered media organisation Voice of Democracy to close, Hana Young, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director, said: “This is a blatant...

UK Government must not be silent over Xinjiang Governor visit

Responding to news that the governor of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang), Erkin Tuniyaz, is due to meet officials from the UK government, the European Union (EU) and EU member...

TWITTER: Anti-LGBTQ+ hate speech surging on platform under Elon Musk

Social media giant Twitter is failing to protect LGBTQ+ organisations and those advocating for the LGBTQ+ community from online violence and abuse, according to a new survey from Amnesty International...

Azerbaijan: Ongoing blockade of Lachin corridor endangering thousands of lives 'must end now' - new research

Blockade in ninth week is a serious blow to human rights in Nagorno-Karabakh Food, fuel and medicine shortages exacerbating humanitarian crisis Since the blockade began the number of vehicles with aid...

UK: Shawcross review of Prevent is 'deeply prejudiced and has no legitimacy'

Controversial counter-terrorism programme overwhelmingly directed at children and young people Review led by William Shawcross who has a history of making anti-Muslim statements ‘The review is riddled...

Thailand: Hundreds of children beaten, intimidated and surveilled by authorities for protesting – new report

Nearly 300 children have faced criminal charges with some at risk of years in prison after being accused of sedition or insulting the monarchy Surveillance, rubber bullets and cable ties used to...

North Korea: Costly military parade planned despite hunger and widespread abuses

Ahead of North Korea’s apparent preparations for a military parade in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People’s Army, Boram Jang, Amnesty International’s East Asia...

India: JCB bulldozers being used in house demolitions in Kashmir

Numerous demolitions taking place in Jammu and Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority region Bulldozers destroying homes despite many residents providing proof of ownership ‘No one should be made...

Northern Ireland: Critical report into policing protests must spur action

Responding to a critical report published today (7 February) by the Police Ombudsman of Northern Ireland into PSNI policing of a “Protect our Monuments” protest in Belfast in June 2020, Patrick...

Syria: earthquakes threaten people already ravaged by war in north-west

More than 5,000 killed by twin earthquakes Four million people in opposition-held north-west Syria were already living in appalling conditions ‘The Syrian government must allow aid to reach all areas...