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Amnesty International UK
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Lord Mayor lays flowers at unmarked mass graves to remember Belfast's ‘forgotten babies’

Amnesty calls for inquiry into Mother and Baby Homes in Northern Ireland

Brazil: Truth Commission opens route to justice for victims of military rule

Today’s presentation of the final report of Brazil’s National Truth Commission ( Comissão Nacional da Verdade , CNV ) marks an historic step in the country’s

West Bank: call for independent investigation into protest death of Palestinian minister

‘This appears to be a tragedy that could have been avoided’ - Philip Luther

Northern Ireland: NGO joint statement on political talks and dealing with the past - Human Rights Day, 2014

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, and the Prime Minister, David Cameron MP, are due to visit Belfast this

Chechnya: burning down homes after Grozny attack appears to be collective punishment

‘Punishing the relatives of those suspected of involvement in crimes is a flagrant violation of international law’ - John Dalh uisen

USA: Senate's summary report on CIA torture should lead to prosecutions

‘We still don't know how far Britain was dragged into the mire’ - Kate Allen

USA: Congress vote tomorrow must not 'open the floodgates' of weapons to Iraq and Syria

NDAA bill could place weapons in hands of human rights abusers

Israel's destruction of multi-storey buildings during Gaza conflict were war crimes - new report

‘The attacks were a collective punishment against the people of Gaza’ - Philip Luther

'The UK must not abandon Afghan women to the Taliban' - Olivia Colman

Actress speaks the words of Afghan women in BBC documentary on Radio Four tonight, 8pm