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Amnesty calls on next UK government to commit to abortion reform in Northern Ireland

"The UK Government has a responsibility to deliver abortion rights for women in Northern Ireland. A failure to do so would be a cruel betrayal of women." – Grainne Teggart The call comes ahead of a...

USA: after another court defeat, Trump should drop 'discriminatory' Muslim travel ban

Following a ruling earlier today by a US appeals court upholding a block on a revised travel ban which President Trump’s government had attempted to introduce, Margaret Huang, Amnesty International...

Russia: mass protest arrests show authorities' 'stranglehold' on free expression

‘The right to peaceful assembly is guaranteed by the Russian Constitution, though you wouldn’t know it from the alarming scenes today’ - Denis Krivosheev A crackdown on peaceful protests across Russia...

Pakistan: Death sentence for 'blasphemy' in Facebook case must be quashed

Responding to an anti-terrorism court’s decision to convict and sentence to death a man for allegedly posting content on Facebook deemed to be ‘blasphemous’, Amnesty International’s Pakistan...

March for marriage equality in Northern Ireland announced for Belfast

March and rally to be held in Belfast on Saturday 1 July Campaigners have announced a march in Belfast to demand equal marriage legislation for Northern Ireland. The region is now the only place in...

Gulf: families ripped apart and freedom of expression under attack

“…how could they not think of the people?” – Amnesty speaks with people caught up in the political dispute “Arbitrary measures should be suspended immediately” - James Lynch Drastic measures imposed...

Russia must free detained Mixed Martial Arts champion

Chechen torture survivor Murad Amriev is at risk of further torture if returned to Chechnya The Russian authorities must immediately release Chechen torture survivor Murad Amriev, and under no...

You're not powerless: How to make sure May doesn't rip up our rights

Amnesty launches new Not Powerless movement calling on the new government to uphold the UK’s commitment to human rights with new animation voiced by Eddie Izzard.

UK: Next government must keep human rights top of the agenda

Responding to the news that a hung parliament will be returned after the General Election, Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International United Kingdom Section, said: “The misguided threats to tamper...

Iraq: warnings of 'bloodbath' in battle for west Mosul

Reports of ISIS summarily shooting dead dozens of civilians attempting to flee, as food runs out There are warnings of a “bloodbath” in the expected battle for the densely-populated Old City district...