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Amnesty International UK
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Amnesty calls on new chair of sex abuse inquiry to investigate Kincora boys' home

Amnesty International has called on Fiona Woolf, the newly announced chair of the government's child sexual abuse inquiry, to investigate abuse and its alleged cover-up at Belfast’s Kinco

Qatar must urgently reveal whereabouts of 'disappeared' UK human rights workers

‘They may have been detained in relation to their human rights work’ - Said Boumedouha

Amnesty International's Secretary General to visit Ukraine and Russia

Salil Shetty , Secretary General of Amnesty International, will visit Ukraine and Russia between 7-10 September and will be available for interview.

Steven Sotloff killing is 'tip of the iceberg' of Islamic State crimes in Syria and Iraq

‘The execution of Steven Sotloff is a war crime’ - Philip Luther

Iraq: new evidence of Islamic State's ethnic cleansing of minorities

‘They lay in agony waiting to die. They died a horrible death’ - survivor of massacre at Kocho village

Israel must scrap 'outrageous' illegal land grab in the West Bank

The Israeli authorities’ outrageous plan to expropriate nearly 1,000 acres of land in the West Bank is illegal and must be rescinded immediately, said Amnesty International.

Syria: new campaign on missing lawyer to mark international 'disappearances' day

‘Khalil Ma’touq has disappeared into the yawning chasm of Syria’s secret and deeply frightening detention system’ - Kristyan Benedict

Japan: Hanging of two men this morning 'dismal news'

The execution of two men in Japan this morning is dismal news and part of a grim pattern of a return to the death penalty in Japan under Prime Minister Abe, Amnesty International said today.