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G8 commitment to tackle impunity for rape in conflict welcomed by human rights groups

A Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence In Conflict (PDF) was agreed yesterday by the G8 countries, declaring that rape and other serious sexual violence amount to war crimes and grave breaches of...

Ukraine: New report exposes depth of torture conducted by police

Spokesperson available on request A new Amnesty report published today reveals shocking levels of torture conducted by the Ukrainian police force and calls for immediate action. The report, Ukraine...

G8 Sexual violence announcement: 'We are the the start line not the finish line'

Welcoming the commitments announced by G8 Foreign Ministers who met in London today to discuss how to address sexual violence, Amnesty International cautioned that world leaders were at the start line...

New death penalty figures: Despite setbacks in 2012, trend is toward global abolition

Top five executing countries were China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and USA ‘In many parts of the world, executions are becoming a thing of the past’ - Salil Shetty Despite some disappointing setbacks...

Indonesia: Intense concern for British woman 'one step closer to firing squad'

· Execution of drug trafficker last month ended four and a half year death penalty hiatus · Attorney General vows spate of executions this year Responding to news that 56-year-old British woman...

Papua New Guinea: Appalling violence against six women in Easter 'witch hunt'

The six women had their hands tied, were stripped naked and had hot iron rods pushed into their genitals. Their fate is unknown. The authorities in Papua New Guinea must take urgent action to prevent...

Israel's use of 'excessive force' in West Bank condemned

‘Israeli forces must respect Palestinians’ right to protest peacefully’ - Ann Harrison Israel’s military response to protests in the West Bank is failing to respect the human rights of Palestinians...

Egypt: 'Appalling' abuse of kidnapped refugees in Sinai must end - new briefing

One Eritrean man tortured, doused in petrol and set on fire because family couldn’t pay ransom Egypt and Sudan must make urgent and concerted efforts to stop asylum-seekers and refugees being...

Egypt: 'increasing intolerance' of dissent and peaceful opposition denounced

‘We are seeing arrests and charges for literally nothing more than cracking a few jokes’ - Ann Harrison Today’s charges against yet another Egyptian comedian for “defaming religion” are part of an...

Sudan: prisoner release 'barely scratches the surface'

The release of seven prisoners in Sudan overnight after yesterday’s announcement of a prisoner amnesty has been described by Amnesty International as “barely scratching the surface”. The releases...