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Azerbaijan: Youth activist jailed after Facebook protest call freed

Amnesty International today welcomed the release of 20-year-old youth activist Jabbar Savalan, but reiterated its call for the Azerbaijani authorities to release 16 more prisoners of conscience jailed...

CHINA: Amnesty International condemns harsh sentence for activist Chen Wei

The nine-year jail sentence handed down to activist Chen Wei for writing critical articles about the Communist Party is unacceptable, Amnesty International said today, and urged Chinese authorities to...

Egypt: 'shocking' violence against Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights protesters must not be repeated

Egyptian Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights speak out about army violence Amnesty International called on Egypt’s military rulers to uphold the right to peaceful demonstration...

Syria: new death penalty law is 'another brutal tool' as killings soar

A new law introduced this week imposing the death penalty on anyone arming “terrorists” is only likely to worsen the bloodshed in Syria, Amnesty International warned today, as the number of people...

Sudan: Greater security needed for tens of thousands of Abeyei residents

The United Nations must step up efforts to provide the security required for tens of thousands of civilians stranded in makeshift camps in South Sudan to return to their homes after fleeing fighting...

North Korea: Kim Jong-il's death could be opportunity for human rights

The death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and assumption of power by his son, Kim Jong-un, present an important opportunity for improving the country’s catastrophic human rights record, Amnesty...

Bahrain: call for release of blogger dragged away from peaceful protest

Zainab al-Khawaja handcuffed and reportedly beaten by police The Bahraini authorities must release a prominent activist dragged along the ground in handcuffs from a peaceful protest, Amnesty...

DRC: string of post-election arrests must end

The security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo must halt a series of politically motivated arrests, including arbitrary and unlawful arrests following the disputed elections, Amnesty...

Call for halt of arms exports to Egyptian security forces in wake of crackdown

Global arms suppliers must halt the transfer of small arms, ammunition and other equipment to the Egyptian military and security forces, Amnesty International said today after the army again violently...

USA: 'appalled, but not surprised' reaction to passage of bill allowing indefinite detention

Following the passage in the US House of Representatives, the expected passage in the US Senate, and President Obama’s reported decision not to veto the National Defense Authorisation Act (NDAA), Tom...