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Syria: release of 'Damascus Spring' dissident Kamal al-Labwani welcomed

Prominent Syrian dissident and prisoner of conscience Kamal al-Labwani was released today after spending six years in prison for his peaceful political opposition to the ruling regime. Although he was...

UN torture expert says open torture inquiry vital to 'root out cancer of torture'

Juan Mendez’s comments made ahead of UK book launch The United Nations expert on torture has said the planned inquiry into allegations of the UK’s involvement in torture during the “war on terror”...

Arab League vote on Syria should spur Security Council to act

‘It is time for the UN Security Council to finally step up to the plate’ - Philip Luther The Arab League's decision to suspend Syria must spur the UN Security Council into action, Amnesty...

Ohio, USA: 'Mentally ill' 66-year-old man facing execution in days

Expert says Reginald Brooks suffers from paranoid schizophrenia A 66-year-old man diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia faces execution in the US state of Ohio next week (Tuesday 15 November) despite...

DU: Gwleidyddiaeth a llenyddiaeth yn uno i lansio ymgyrch Amnest ar ryddid mynegiant mewn ysgol yn abertawe

Gweinidog a Bardd y Brenin ymhlith y rhai sy’n cefnogi’r pecyn addysg Daeth mawrion llenyddiaeth a gwleidyddiaeth at ei gilydd heddiw (10 Tachwedd) yn Ysgol Gyfun Llandeilo Ferwallt yn Abertawe i...

Portishead to release 'Chase the tear' as limited edition vinyl for Amnesty

Portishead are releasing a single called 'Chase the Tear', with all earnings going towards Amnesty’s human rights work and all rights given to the organisation. The five-minute track was previously...

Syria: fears growing for two missing activists in Aleppo

Amnesty has names of over 3,000 killed so far Two Syrian activists have been missing from their home town of Aleppo since 2 November, raising fears that they have been arrested and are being held in...


Report also highlights damaging impact of changes to UK Legal Aid Bill for victims of UK companies’ actions overseas A new report today published by Amnesty International and the Centre for...

Arab League must press Syria to allow in human rights monitors

Letter to Arab League calls for more action The Arab League must press Syria to allow entry for independent human rights monitors, Amnesty International said today, as killings and arrests continue in...

Amnesty International rejects MP's death penalty call

Responding to news that some Northern Ireland MPs are supporting a call for a debate in the House of Commons on the reintroduction of the death penalty, Patrick Corrigan, Northern Ireland Programme...