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Amnesty International UK
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Iraq: New report accuses authorities of failing to protect civilians

UK among countries defying UN over returning refused asylum-seekers despite violence Amnesty International has today called on the Iraqi authorities to urgently step up the protection of civilians...

Rwanda: End human rights clampdown before presidential elections

Amnesty International strongly condemns the diminishing space for freedom of expression in Rwanda as the country prepares for presidential elections in August 2010. As part of its continued clampdown...

Leaders' debates have been 'human rights-free' zone

Following yesterday’s televised leaders’ debate between the three main political parties, Amnesty International UK Head of Policy and Government Affairs Jeremy Croft said: “It’s a great shame that so...

Nigeria: Executions to ease overcrowding threat is 'shocking'

Amnesty International has condemned a reported move by Nigerian state governors to execute death row inmates to ease overcrowding and urged the authorities to instead address the underlying problems...

Belgium: Full-face veil ban would breach international law

Amnesty International is urging the Belgian Parliament not to pass a draft law which would prohibit the wearing of full-face veils anywhere in public as the country’s Chamber of Deputies prepares to...

China: Thousands at risk of forced sterilisation

Local officials aim to sterilise 9, 559 people by 26 April, some against their will, in a drive to meet family planning targets in Puning City, Guangdong Province, southern China. According to reports...

Spain: Charges against Baltasar Garzon are 'outrageous'

Amnesty International today strongly condemned the “outrageous” charges brought against a leading investigative judge who is due to appear before the Supreme Court in May on charges of abusing his...

Sri Lanka's new parliament must drop emergency laws

Sri Lanka’s first post-war parliament must get rid of draconian emergency laws that have allowed for decades of widespread human rights abuses, Amnesty International said today. Ahead of the first...

World Poverty Day: Amnesty Calls for human rights to be central in anti-poverty plans

Ahead of ‘World Poverty Day’ (Sunday 18 April) when the three main political party leaders will set out their plans to improve the lives of the world’s poorest, Amnesty International urged the three...

London: Syria embassy protest to call for release of 'Sednaya Seven'

Amnesty International is staging a demonstration outside the Syrian embassy in London tomorrow (Saturday 17 April) calling for the release of prisoners of conscience in the country. The protest...