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Ukraine: concern at prisoners of war appearing at press conferences

Russian PoWs have been featured at Ukrainian press conferences Videos of Ukrainian prisoners held by Russian forces have also appeared on social media Third Geneva Convention specifies that PoWs must...

UK: Government's response to Ukraine refugee crisis is 'botched'

In response to the UK government’s approach to Ukrainian refugees, Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s Refugee and Migrant Rights Director, said: “The Home Office is once again too slow...

Saudi Arabia: blogger Raif Badawi still held in jail after serving his ten-year sentence

Human rights defender was flogged 50 times in a public square in Jeddah in 2015 Authorities have trumpeted ‘reforms’ in Kingdom while Badawi has languished in jail ‘Raif Badawi has spent a decade...

Policing Bill: MPs must follow Lords in rejecting 'deeply authoritarian' legislation

MPs must follow the House of Lords and reject the “deeply authoritarian” provisions of the Controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill when it returns to the Commons for debate this week...

Ukraine: Russia's invasion is 'crime of aggression' under international law

Call on all countries to condemn Russia’s act of aggression ICC Prosecutor’s investigation into Ukraine welcomed ‘The collection and preservation of evidence is crucial to successful future...

UK: Ukraine refugee crisis should prompt 'major rethink' of Borders Bill

Controversial Home Office’s Nationality and Borders Bill going through Parliament today Ukrainian refugees likely to be confronted with same anti-refugee policies intended to punish and deter people...

Ukraine: cluster munitions kill child and two other civilians taking shelter at a preschool

Amnesty verifies the strike on a nursery – the fourth confirmed attack that has struck a school Drone video footage shows cluster munitions striking at least 7 locations on/near the building ‘It is...

Northern Ireland: call for Stormont to ‘step up’ to welcome refugees from Ukraine

Amnesty International has called for Stormont to be ready to ‘step up’ to welcome refugees from Ukraine following the Russian military attacks on the country. Addressing a rally outside Belfast City...

Ukraine: Russian military have carried out indiscriminate attacks - new expert analysis

Forensic analysis of three separate attacks provides ‘irrefutable evidence’ of breaches of laws of war Likely Russian veto on UN Security Council should be countered by emergency meeting of UN General...

Beijing 2022: Olympic skater gives away gold medal to protest China's human rights abuses

Swedish Olympic champion Nils van der Poel gives his gold medal to Hong Kong dissident’s daughter ‘ His decision to take a stand against China’s crackdown on freedom of expression should spur...