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Eastern Ukraine: Killing of 18 year old could be war crime

Both sides responsible for indiscriminate attacks

RIPA case revelation: Government 'routinely' spies on lawyers

Legal policies which allow MI5, MI6 and GCHQ to access confidential privileged communications between lawyers and clients were disclosed in court today.

Guantánamo: transfer of Kuwaiti man welcomed, but 148 detainees remain at base

‘The US government must do far more to end human rights violations at Guantánamo’ - Zeke Johnson

Ukraine: Investigate deaths of children killed in shelling while playing football

The deaths of two children killed by shelling while they played football on a school field in eastern Ukraine earlier today must be immediately, fully and impartially investigated, Amnesty Internat

Greece: Convictions for attack on Roma woman and her nephew "first step towards justice"

The convictions yesterday of three men following a brutal racist attack on a Roma woman and her nephew is a “first step towards justice”, said Amnesty International and Greek Helsinki M

Israeli forces displayed 'callous indifference' during attacks on homes in Gaza - new report

‘The onus is on Israeli officials to explain why they chose to deliberately flatten entire homes full of civilians’ - Philip Luther

Pakistan: Vicious mob killing of Christian couple for 'blasphemy' condemned

“A mob appears to have played judge, jury and executioner” David Griffiths, Amnesty International

Iran's jailing of Ghoncheh Ghavami for volleyball protest is 'appalling'

‘It’s an outrage that a young woman is being locked up simply for peacefully having her say about how women are discriminated against in Iran’

Burkina Faso must end excessive use of force against protesters

The authorities in Burkina Faso must rein in the security forces that have used excessive force to crack down on peaceful anti-government protests, Amnesty International said today.