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Nobel peace Laureates press Obama on Arms Treaty

US President Barack Obama must take the lead in securing a strong global Arms Treaty, a group of 18 Nobel Peace Prize winners said in an open letter delivered to their fellow laureate at the White...

Syria: Government indiscriminately bombing civilians, opposition abuses 'escalating' - new briefings

Nine government cluster bombs used on housing estate earlier this month Opposition forces are dumping bodies in a ‘hole of death’ in Damascus Within the past fortnight Syrian government forces have...

Vince Cable's grandson on longlist for Amnesty award

United Kingdom’s top young journalists and photographers named Amnesty International today unveiled the top ten in each of the categories for its Young Human Rights Reporter competition. Around 2,500...

Sudan: Judges to be trained to carry out amputations

Amnesty International today called for an immediate halt to amputations as punishment in Sudan after the country’s Deputy Chief Justice threatened to train judges to cut off convicted criminals’ hands...

East Timor: Journalists at risk of imprisonment for exposing corruption

All charges must be dropped against two Timorese journalists facing prison sentences for exposing alleged corruption in their country’s judicial system, Amnesty International said. A court in East...

Saudi Arabia: execution of seven men today 'an act of sheer brutality'

Audio of telephone interview with two of the men hours before execution is available The execution earlier today of seven men in Saudi Arabia after they were allegedly forced to “confess” to charges...

Arms Treaty: World's major powers responsible for half of annual global Arms

Arms supplied by the world’s major powers are among those contributing to the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and blighting the livelihoods of millions of people every year, Amnesty...

Iraq: A decade of abuses detailed in new report

Ten years after the US-led invasion ended the brutal rule of Saddam Hussein, Iraq remains enmeshed in a grim cycle of human rights abuses, including attacks on civilians, torture of detainees, unfair...

Saudi Arabia: two jailed activists named prisoners of conscience

Sentences come on eve of visit of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall The sentencing of two human rights activists to five and 10 years’ imprisonment in Saudi Arabia is yet another stain...

Saudi Arabia: human rights briefing

Ahead of a visit from the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to Saudi Arabia on 11 March as part of a nine-day tour of the region, Amnesty International released the following briefing...