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Mali: 'On brink of humanitarian disaster' warns Amnesty

• Aid agencies must be allowed safe access to north • Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights and girls face risk of sexual attack and abduction • Armed groups attempt to impose...

USA: vote to repeal death penalty in Connecticut hailed as 'great leadership'

A vote to repeal the death penalty by the US state of Connecticut’s State Senate is a leap forward in the battle to end capital punishment, Amnesty International said today. The vote - by 20 votes to...

'Cloak of secrecy' warning over government's justice and security proposals

As the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights published a report criticising the government’s proposals in its Justice and Security Green Paper as “inherently unfair”, Amnesty International UK...

Call for release of detained members of Russian punk band 'Pussy Riot'

Three Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights facing ‘hooliganism’ charges are prisoners of conscience Amnesty International has called for the immediate and unconditional release...

USA: Arizona's prison isolation units are 'inhumane' - new report

*Reports of prison walls smeared with food, urine and faeces *‘No prisoner should be deprived of basic amenities such as adequate exercise, access to natural light and fresh air and meaningful human...

Colombia: FARC must go further and end all kidnapping

The release of ten members of the security forces by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) highlights the need for a serious commitment by all guerrilla groups in the South American...

Syria: 13 schoolChildren's rights arrested, throwing fresh doubt on Annan plan compliance

*Scores still being arrested on daily basis *At least 232 killed since Annan plan formulated on 27 March Amnesty International has received reports that scores of people are still being arrested on a...

Fears over denial of justice to Gaza victims after 'dangerous' ICC decision

Amnesty International has branded as “dangerous” a statement by the office of the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor today that it cannot consider allegations of crimes committed during the...

Amnesty Scotland launches Scottish Gypsy Traveller reports

Some positive steps being made to counter discrimination but still a long way to go Amnesty International Scotland will today (Monday 2 April) launch two reports on Scottish Gypsy Travellers at the...

Eurovision: Sandie Shaw calls on Azerbaijan to stop pulling the strings of the nation's media

British icon Sandie Shaw, famed for her 1967 Eurovision hit Puppet on a String , today backed Amnesty International’s calls to the authorities of Azerbaijan to put an end to its brutal repression of...