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Thousands rally in Trafalgar Square in solidarity with protestors in Syria, Egypt and the wider region

Activists from countries across the region took to a huge stage to share their stories of struggle and perseverance in the face of violent suppression. Speakers were there from Egypt, Libya, Syria...

Amnesty International's Secret Policeman's Ball 2012 starts search for next British comedy star

A budding British comedian will win a spot on the great stage at Radio City Music Hall in NYC for the Secret Policeman's Ball An aspiring British comedian will win the chance to perform the gig of...

China: Seven year sentence for poet shows government is afraid, says Amnesty

Amnesty International today (10 February) condemned the Chinese government’s sentencing of veteran activist and poet Zhu Yufu. He was sentenced to seven years for writing a poem deemed subversive of...

Saudi Tweeter facing death sentence if returned from Malaysia

The Malaysian authorities must release Hamza Kashgari and not forcibly return him to Saudi Arabia, where he faces risk of execution for his Tweets about the Prophet Mohammed, Amnesty International...

Darfur: New weapons from China and Russia fuelling conflict

Sales to Sudan underline need for an effective Arms treaty Arms sales from China and Russia are fuelling serious human rights violations in Darfur, Amnesty International said in a new report today...

Mass rally in Trafalgar Square for Syria, Egypt and the wider Middle East - Saturday 11 February

‘DAY OF SOLIDARITY AND DEFIANCE’ MASS RALLY FOR SYRIA, EGYPT AND THE WIDER MIDDLE EAST Trafalgar Square, London 12 noon - 2.00pm Live TV link-up with Homs, global tweeting via #feb11global...

Uganda: Anti-homosexuality bill a 'grave assault on human rights'

Uganda’s Parliament re-introduced a proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill yesterday, which Amnesty International considers a “grave assault on human rights” that must be rejected. Under the bill, gay and...

Maldives must protect ousted government from reprisals

The new authorities in the Maldives must avoid persecuting members of outgoing president Mohammed Nasheed’s political party, Amnesty International said today, after Mr Nasheed resigned following a...

Israel must cancel plan to expel families from West Bank - new Amnesty briefing

Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak should cancel military plans to forcibly displace around 2,300 Bedouin residents of the West Bank to an area beside the Jerusalem municipal garbage dump, Amnesty...

Syria: Brutal assault on Homs must end- more than 240 dead since Friday

Russia and other countries with influence over Syria must act urgently to stop the bombardment of Homs, Amnesty International said today. More than 200 people have been killed in Homs since Friday...