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Syria: Brazil, India and South Africa lobbied to suport UN resolution

Amnesty International is calling on the governments of Brazil, India and South Africa to support a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning human rights abuses in Syria. The organisation...

Final Hague war crimes suspect arrested

Goran Hadzic, the only remaining suspect wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, was arrested today in Serbia on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes in...

India: Orissa high court rejects Vedanta refinery expansion

Amnesty International has urged the Indian authorities to order the immediate clean-up of an alumina refinery in the state of Orissa, following a high court decision to reject plans for its expansion...

Turkey urged to halt heavy handed evictions in Istanbul

The Turkish authorities should halt a series of heavy- handed forced evictions which have already resulted in a number of vulnerable families in central Istanbul effectively being made homeless...

Iraq: execution of former Saddam officials should be halted

81 death sentences reportedly approved by President The Iraqi authorities should halt the imminent execution of five senior officials under former president Saddam Hussain, Amnesty International said...

UK: Supreme Court upholds open justice- for now

The highest court in the UK today ruled in the case of Al-Rawi that secret evidence cannot be used in trials of civil damages claims in the absence of statutory power to do so. Amnesty International...

Israel: anti-boycott law an attack on freedom of expression

‘This law is a blatant attempt to stifle peaceful dissent’ - Philip Luther A law passed by the Israeli Knesset (parliament) making it an offence to call for a boycott against the state of Israel or...

Iran: The life of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani remains in the balance

A year after public attention was cast upon Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani’s plight, her life appears to remain in the balance. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old woman from Iran’s Azerbaijani...

Gambia: End cover-up of disappeared journalist's whereabouts or fate

Amnesty International today called on the government of Gambia to end the cover-up on the whereabouts or fate of the Gambian journalist Ebrima Manneh, who has been subjected to enforced disappearance...

Malaysia: Police use brutal tactics against peaceful protestors

The UK government must press Malaysia’s Prime Minister on freedom of assembly during his visit this week, Amnesty International said today, after peaceful protesters in Kuala Lumpur were met with...