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China: Ai Weiwei detained as a warning against dissent

The detention of China’s most famous artist and political critic, Ai Weiwei, is a troubling development in a widening crackdown on dissent that has seen dozens of activists detained over the last few...

'Wide-reaching and ruthless' crackdown on Azerbaijani activists intensifies ahead of protests

The Azerbaijani authorities must end their clampdown on freedom of expression, Amnesty International said today after 11 more political activists were arrested ahead of Saturday's planned "Day of...

Nigeria: Politicians must stop pre-election violence on eve of poll

Nigerian political candidates must rein in their supporters and put a stop to continuing violence on the eve of national polls, Amnesty International said today. Amnesty International’s Deputy...

Egypt: Draft law banning protests and strikes should be scrapped

Tahrir Square protest planned for Friday The Egyptian authorities should scrap a draft law aimed at criminalising strikes and protests, Amnesty International said ahead of demonstrations against the...

Iran: Re-imposing 20-year sentences against seven Baha'i leaders is 'vindictive'

The re-imposition of 20-year jail terms on seven leaders of Iran's Baha'i religious minority is “vindictive”, Amnesty International said today as it made a renewed call for their immediate release...

Ivory Coast: Warning of 'Human rights catastrophe' as forces reach Abidjan

Côte d’Ivoire civilians are at immediate risk of massive human rights violations, Amnesty International warned today, as forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara reach the country’s commercial capital...

Lampedusa: Thousands stranded in 'appalling' conditions on Italian island

Thousands of people, many who left North Africa following recent unrest, are stranded on the Italian island of Lampedusa in appalling conditions, an Amnesty International delegation on the island said...

Libya: End campaign to discredit Eman Al-Obeidi

The Libyan authorities must end their campaign to discredit Eman al-Obeidi, said Amnesty International, after the government said she was being sued by the security officials who she says raped her...

UK: FCO Human Rights Report reveals weak controls on arms sales to Libya and other countries

Amnesty International today (31 March) welcomed the publication of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Human Rights Report 2011. But the organisation warned that the report reveals...

Belarus urged to release election protesters after student convicted

Amnesty International has demanded the release of a Belarusian student sentenced for taking part in a post-election protest - the third similar conviction in the past week. Nicola Duckworth of Amnesty...