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Algeria: planned protests tomorrow should be allowed to proceed

Amnesty International is urging the Algerian authorities not to crack down on planned nationwide anti-government protests tomorrow, amid reports demonstrations in the capital Algiers have been banned...

Bahrain: new report on human rights crackdown

Amnesty International has published a new report this evening revealing a significant deterioration in the human rights situation in Bahrain. The 32-page report, Crackdown in Bahrain: Human Rights at...

Egypt: Failure of political leaders to agree human rights reforms 'Irresponsible'

Global day of solidarity action tomorrow (Saturday 12 February), rally in Trafalgar Square (12-2pm) Amnesty International has accused Egyptian political leaders of acting irresponsibly after they...

Egypt: Human rights reform essential as Hosni Mubarak steps aside

Global day of solidarity action tomorrow (Saturday 12 February), rally in Trafalgar Square (12-2pm) In response to dramatic developments in Egypt, Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary...

Shaker Aamer: UK man's nine years at Guantanamo has made a 'mockery' of Justice

Amnesty has denounced the treatment of Shaker Aamer, the former UK resident held at Guantánamo, as a “mockery of justice”, as supporters in the UK and elsewhere mark the ninth full year of his...

Sri Lanka: Government must account for disappearances of missing human rights activist

On the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Sri Lanka human rights defender Pattani Razeek, Amnesty International today renewed its call for the Sri Lankan government to ensure those...

Egypt: 'Agenda' for human rights published

End to State of Emergency called for, and no more arbitrary detention, torture or unfair trials Trafalgar Square solidarity demo on Saturday Amnesty International has this evening urged the Egyptian...

'Day of solidarity and defiance' mass rally supporting peaceful protesters in Egypt and wider region

SATURDAY 12 FEBRUARY TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, 12-2pm TV link with Egypt, social media photo uploads, live tweeting via #feb12Global Thousands of Amnesty International supporters, Egyptian activists...

UAE: Former teacher detained after expressing support for Egyptian and Tunisian demonstrators

Amnesty International has called on the authorities in the United Arab Emirates to disclose the whereabouts and legal status of a man arrested apparently for expressing support for demonstrators in...

Libya: writer detained after protest call

A Libyan writer and political commentator arrested last week and accused of a driving offence appears to have been targeted for calling for peaceful protests in the country, Amnesty International said...