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USA: Call for 'only executioner in the Americas' to end use of death penalty

* World Day Against the Death Penalty (Sunday 10 October) sees renewed campaign to spare man on death row in Georgia, USA * Keane drummer Richard Hughes to launch new death penalty education pack *...

Ozzy Osbourne records 'How?' to mark 70th anniversary of John Lennon's birth

Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne has recorded a new version of John Lennon’s “How?” to mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of John Lennon on Saturday 9 October. The song, released worldwide exclusively on...

Ethiopia: Release of opposition leader welcome

Amnesty International welcomes the release of opposition leader and prisoner of conscience Birtukan Mideksa by the Ethiopian government. The leader of the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) Party...

Institutional child abuse victims meet in Belfast

Amnesty and abuse survivors unite to call for an inquiry The largest gathering yet of Northern Ireland victims of institutional child abuse will take place in Belfast today (Thursday 7 October) at a...


Heddiw (dydd Llun), lansiodd Amnest Rhyngwladol ddeunydd dwyieithog newydd rhad ac am ddim i helpu pobl ifanc Cymru drafod effaith y gosb eithaf. Yn ystod y digwyddiad yn Ysgol Uwchradd Cathays, roedd...

Amnesty launches new bilingual pack for young people tackling the death penalty

Amnesty International has launched new free, bilingual materials designed to help young people in Wales talk about the impact of the death penalty. At the event at Cathays High School, young people...

Burma: Leaders of Asia and Europe asked to support call to release all Burma's political prisoners

Tutu and thousands of others submit solidaity petition to Nick Clegg ahead of ASEM meeting Amnesty International today delivered a photographic petition to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg ahead of...

World Habitat Day: One billion slum dwellers cannot be ignored

Governments cannot celebrate the UN World Habitat Day on 4 October while ignoring one billion people living in slums, said Amnesty International. Amnesty International’s Senior Director of...

Amnesty dismayed at European Commission response to France's treatment of Roma

Amnesty International has expressed its extreme disappointment at the limited scope of measures adopted yesterday by the European Commission to address human rights violations against Roma people in...

DRC (Congo): Action needed to investigate a decade of crimes

The publication of the UN mapping report documenting gross human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a significant first step, but concrete action is needed to ensure that...