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Amnesty International UK
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Iran: Iranian woman 'will not be stoned to death' says Embassy- Amnesty reaction

Amnesty International today issued its reaction to news from the Iranian embassy in London that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will not be executed by stoning. Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen...

Mexico: Faxes could hold the key to release of prisoner of conscience

The future of a long-standing prisoner of conscience is expected to be decided in the next few days – and Amnesty International believes the humble fax could hold the key to his release. Mexican...

Russia must drop charges against art exhibition organisers

Amnesty International and ARTICLE 19 are urging the Russian authorities to drop the charges against the organisers of Forbidden Art 2006, an exhibition which featured Soviet and post-Soviet art works...

Russia: Igor Sutyagin must not be forced into exile

Amnesty International has said any deal over the release of a nuclear scientist, Igor Sutyagin, which requires him to leave Russia against his wishes will amount to forcible exile, which is prohibited...

Cuba urged to immediately release all prisoners of conscience

Amnesty International calls on the Cuban government to immediately free all prisoners of conscience, after authorities yesterday said 52 prisoners will be released. Five of the 52 detainees, whose...

Northern Ireland child abuse victims have waited too long for justice

Amnesty International will today join with victims and survivors of institutional child abuse in order to hand over a letter to Northern Ireland's First Minister and Deputy First Minister, calling for...

Peru: British missionary defending Amazon tribes in Peru must not be deported

Amnesty International has called on the Peruvian government to revoke its decision to expel a British catholic activist, who received an MBE from the Queen for his work. He has spent the past ten...

UK: Decision on Gay Asylum Seekers is to be applauded and is long overdue

In response to the announcement regarding gay asylum seekers’ right to remain, Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK’s Director, said: “Around the globe lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender...

Zimbabwe diamond fields activist detained for exposing human rights abuses to Kimberley Process monitor

Amnesty International is calling on the Zimbabwean government to release an activist who is being detained after he exposed human rights violations in the country’s Marange diamond fields. Farai...

Amnesty challenges OFMDM on public assemblies bill

Amnesty International has written to Northern Ireland’s First and Deputy First Minister outlining concerns over the proposed new legislation regulating parades and public assembly: The Public...