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Amnesty International UK
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Iran: Fears for demonstrators as authorities warn of zero tolerance amid ongoing arrests and trials

Amnesty International is calling on the Iranian authorities to allow peaceful demonstrations, including by those opposed to the current government, on 11 February, the 31st anniversary of the Islamic...

UK-based company devastating communities in India, says new Amnesty report.

An alumina refinery operated by a subsidiary of UK-based FTSE 100 company Vedanta Resources in Orissa, India, is causing air and water pollution that threatens the health of local people and their...

Human rights are for all: Response to media article

Amnesty International is being accused in a media article today of putting the human rights of some people above those of others. This is not, and has never been, true. Implicit in the accusation, is...

Church of England disinvestment from Vedanta: Strong message on human rights is encouraging, says Amnesty ahead of new report

Amnesty International UK today reacted to news that the Church of England is to disinvest from UK-based FTSE 100 company Vedanta Resources. Amnesty International UK Economic Relations Programme...

Gaza: Ban Ki-Moon misses crucial opportunity

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s failure to make an assessment of Israeli and Palestinian investigations into violations of international law during the conflict in Gaza and southern Israel a year...

Northern Ireland: Amnesty International calls for inquiry into institutional child abuse

Amnesty International is calling on the UK government and the Northern Ireland Executive to uphold victims' rights by ensuring there is an effective inquiry into the extent of child abuse in State run...

Deeper changes needed to reverse segregation of Roma in Czech schools, says international organisations

On 2 February, in a letter to the Czech Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Miroslava Kopicová, Amnesty International, the European Roma Rights Centre and the Open Society Justice Initiative...

Nicaragua: Amnesty urges UN to condemn abortion ban

The United Nations should urge Nicaragua to repeal its ban on abortion after it reviews the country’s human rights record next Monday [8 February], said Amnesty International. During the United...

Amnesty International 'Dismayed' over moves to arm more Strathclyde police with Tasers

Responding to news that Strathclyde Police officials will meet on Thursday 4 February to discuss the supply of Taser weapons to more police officers, Amnesty International said that it was "dismayed"...

Israel's response on Gaza investigations is 'totally inadequate'

Israel’s latest response to the UN on its investigations into alleged violations of international law by its forces in Gaza a year ago is totally inadequate, Amnesty International has said. The...