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China: UN misses opportunity to push China on Human Rights

Many of the countries involved in the UN Human Rights Council’s recent examination of China failed to address some of the most serious human rights issues, Amnesty International said today. Roseann...

Gaza: Hamas kneecappings, punishment beatings and killings of 'collaborators' revealed in new Amnesty report

Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip have carried out a deadly campaign of abductions, killings, torture and death threats against those they accuse of “collaborating” with Israel, as well as opponents and...

Gaza: Investigation should look at more than attacks on UN buildings

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's announcement today that he will conduct an investigation into attacks on UN installations in Gaza is welcome yet insufficient, said Amnesty International...

Sri Lanka: Suicide bombing leaves civilians facing tit-for-tat nightmare

Growing threat of reprisals puts innocent civilians in the firing line Amnesty International today condemned the actions of a suicide bomber, reportedly dressed as a civilian, who blew herself up...

Iran: Catalogue of abuses detailed in new report on 30th anniversary of Islamic revolution

As Iran prepares to mark the 30-year anniversary of the change in government that led to the creation of the Islamic Republic on 10 February, Amnesty International today issued a new report raising...

Somalia: Allegations of AU force firing on civilians need investigating

Amnesty International has called for a prompt, independent and impartial investigation into allegations that the African Union peace support operation in Somalia (AMISOM), opened fire indiscriminately...

Sri Lanka: Government and Tamil Tigers must open humanitarian corridors to let civilians out

Both sides denying civilians freedom of movement Amnesty International is calling on the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers to immediately declare a temporary humanitarian truce and create...

Chinese government's report to UN whitewashes abuses

The Chinese government’s report to the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) whitewashes serious human rights abuses being committed across the country, said Amnesty International today. Amnesty’s...

David Miliband on Binyam Mohamed- Accusation of 'cover up' on torture

Reacting to today’s House of Commons statement from the Foreign Secretary David Miliband on the case of Binyam Mohamed, a UK resident held at Guantánamo Bay, Amnesty International UK Director Kate...

Honduras: Transgender Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights beaten, threatened and murdered

Amnesty International has put out an urgent appeal on behalf of a Honduran transgender woman who was arrested by the police, beaten up and threatened with death if she reported what happened to her...