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Amnesty International UK
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UK: Extension of pre-charge detention amounts to internment

Amnesty International today condemned the UK government's proposal to extend the period for which people can be detained by the police under terrorism legislation to 56 days. Nicola Duckworth...

Zimbabwe: Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights beaten and tortured for standing up to the government

Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights who have organised and demonstrated against human rights abuses, forced evictions and food shortages in Zimbabwe have been subjected to...

Ethiopia: Opposition leaders and journalists freed

Amnesty International today welcomed the release of 38 Ethiopian opposition party officials, a human rights defender and four journalists, who had been detained since November 2005. They were pardoned...

Ethiopia: Prisoners of conscience jailed for life

Amnesty International has expressed dismay at the life sentences handed down yesterday (16 July) to 30 Ethiopian opposition party leaders, journalists and one of the country's most prominent human...

Iran: Child offender faces execution in next few hours

Amnesty International has just learned that 18-year-old musician Sina Paymard, who was sentenced to death in Iran for a crime committed when he was just 16 years old, may be executed within the next...

Israel/Lebanon: New call for justice one year on

A year on from the start of last year’s 34-day war between Hizbullah and Israel, Amnesty International today condemned the complete absence of any steps in the two countries affected or...

UK intervenes in European Court to support deportation despite torture risk

Amnesty International, the AIRE Centre, The International Commission of JURISTs, Interights and REDRESS are warning that, in a hearing today, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights is...

Iran: Woman faces stoning for adultery

Man already reportedly stoned to death last week Amnesty International has issued an ‘urgent action’ appeal on behalf of a woman in Iran who is facing imminent death by stoning for adultery. This...

Saudi Arabia: Sri Lankan teenager faces beheading within days

A Sri Lankan teenager in Saudi Arabia faces beheading within days after being convicted of murder, despite having had no legal representation at her trial and reportedly being only 17 at the time of...

UK: ‘Prosecute don't persecute’ says Amnesty as law lords hear appeal on control orders cases

As the Law Lords begin hearing a case today (5 July) concerning the UK counter-terrorism control order regime, Amnesty International calls on the UK authorities to commit themselves to prosecuting...